
Minimize your exposure to cyber security threats.

• Implement strong network security protocols: Ensure that your network is protected by implementing strong security protocols such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and virtual private networks (VPNs). Regularly update and patch all network devices and software to protect against known vulnerabilities.

• Use multi-factor authentication (MFA): Implementing MFA adds an extra layer of security to your applications by requiring users to provide multiple forms of identification such as a password, fingerprint, or one-time code. This helps prevent unauthorized access even if the password is compromised.

• Access Control: enforce granular access controls, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to privileged accounts and systems.

• Privileged Account Management: PAM provides centralized management of privileged accounts, including credentials, policies, and audit logs. It helps in creating, storing, and rotating passwords, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

• Session Monitoring: monitoring and recording of privileged user sessions on critical systems to detect any suspicious activities or policy violations. It helps in maintaining an audit trail for compliance and forensics purposes.

• Antivirus/Anti-malware Solution: implement a robust antivirus/anti-malware solution across all endpoints., scan and detect any malicious files or programs on the endpoints, blocking or removing them to prevent any damage or unauthorized access. It is important to regularly update the antivirus software to ensure it can detect emerging threats effectively

• SPAM & Content Filtering Solution: using advanced machine learning algorithms to classify and filter out spam emails. By analyzing the content, sender, and other parameters of incoming emails, the system can learn what characteristics are indicative of spam and can automatically move those emails to a spam folder or block them altogether. This approach constantly evolves and adapts, improving the accuracy of spam detection over time. Additionally, users can manually mark emails as spam, further training the system and enhancing its effectiveness in identifying future spam.

• Regularly test and update your applications service: Conduct regular security assessments and penetration testing to identify any vulnerabilities in your applications. Keep all software and applications up to date by installing security patches and updates as soon as they are released. Additionally, continuously monitor and analyze your application logs for any suspicious activity that could indicate a security breach.

Global Manufacturing
Improved 50%+ Detect & Respond Rate
Deployed End point and identity solution for 1000+ users to enhance the security level from cyber hack & attack

Property Management
Improved 30%+ Cyber threat prevent
Implemented regular security assessments, security patch update and monitoring managed service